[ITK] [ITK-users] General Surface registration question

Luke Bloy luke.bloy at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 12:06:48 EDT 2016

Hi All,

This is a somewhat general surface registration question so I apologize if
its off topic, but I thought I'd see what the ITK community thinks about
this problem.

I'm working camera calibration problem where I'm interested in computing
transforms relating the images (both 2d and 3d) from multiple fixed
cameras. I have done some basic glyph/checkboard calibration but was
unhappy with results. So I thought that a good option would be to use pose
estimation with a known calibration phantom.

So here is the question? Since I get to choose what the calibration phantom
is, does anyone have any suggestions on what this phantom should look like.
I'm planning on using an ICP type registration so what surface properties
make for highly accurate ICP registration?

Thanks for any suggestions, or even for reading all the way through :)

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