[IGSTK-Developers] Agenda&Status Page For the August 4 Teleconference Posted

Rick Avila rick.avila at kitware.com
Tue Aug 2 11:27:24 EDT 2005


            I have posted the Agenda&Status Page for our upcoming IGSTK
meeting. Please review the action items and add information on the status of
your components. Also take a look at the schedule and let me know if you see
issues with it. I have filled in our plans for finishing release 5 and 6 in
time for MICCAI.


Right now everyone should be concentrating on completing code reviews by
Thursday, August 4. Send me a note if you can't make this deadline.


Finally, and as a reminder, I am including our open action items from last

1.       RA (Age in weeks=2) To ask Andy to add automatic post of latex
requirements document to web/cvs. (Andy is working on it) 

2.       LI (2) Luis to enable a valgrind test on a Kitware meachine to
check there is no repeatable issues with igstkViewTest.

3.       LI (2) Luis to run experimental test with tracker connected to see
where code coverage stands in the Sandbox for Tracker classes, review
results with DG to determine next course of action. 

4.       HS (2) Hee-su to look at the continuous build machines at ISIS. 

I will be out on travel Wednesday. Talk to you on Thursday.


- Rick


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