[IGSTK-Developers] Does IGSTK need any calibration components?

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Wed Nov 16 12:09:43 EST 2005

Hi James,

Yes, IGSTK will need a pointer calibration component, so if you can
supply one then that would be great. Also, any description of the method
would be useful - it is very important that all of the mathematical
algorithms used by IGSTK are well documented.

For ultrasound, we will probably want to wait until we have a video
acquisition class for IGSTK. The crossed-wire method is a good
calibration method to support. There are tons of different ultrasound
calibration methods, but the crossed-wire method is as accurate as any
of the others, and the phantom is easy to construct.

- David

Hui Zhang wrote:

> Hi, all,
> Does IGSTK need any calibration components, like track tool
> calibration and ultrasound probe calibration?
> One important part of current IGSTK is the tracker component. When we
> use tracker tools, those tools must be calibrated using pivot method
> to calculate the transform from sensor/marker to the hot point (tip or
> something else). Normally this step is done by using the software from
> the company like NDI ... But sometime it is important to have the
> ability to do the on-site calibration. As I know, one of Philips
> software integrates this function in their navigation system. We have
> developed one class here to calculate the transform through those
> pivot samples. If IGSTK needs this component, I can try to contribute
> this part and make it state machine -able.
> Another component we have here is the point-based ultrasound probe
> calibration class, which can handle the freehand ultrasound
> calibration by using the pointer or some phantoms like cross-wire
> phantom. This calibration component is essential to integrate
> ultrasound ability to image guided system. It can be extented to
> calibrate the general imaging device to trackers.
> Regards,
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hui (James) Zhang, Ph.D.
> Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
> Department of Radiology
> Georgetown University Medical Center
> 2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603
> Washington, DC, 20007
> Work phone: 202-687-2902
> Work fax: 202-784-3479
> Cell phone: 240-476-9361
> MSN: zh_skyfox at hotmail.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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