[IGSTK-Developers] Some help with small code changes

Kevin Gary kgary at asu.edu
Thu Nov 17 18:11:12 EST 2005


To facilitate with the LTSA demo I showed at the IGSTK meetings last week,
we had to do 3 small code tweaks. A couple of these are actually minor bugs.
Can somebody help us out?


1. igstkStateMachine.txx line 293, insert a line to output the class name of
    the class holding the state machine:

    << m_This->GetNameOfClass() << " "

2. igstkMacros.h - add ExportStateMachineDescriptionToLTS right under

   void ExportStateMachineDescriptionToLTS( OutputStreamType & ostr1, bool skipLoops=false ) const \
    { m_StateMachine.ExportDescriptionToLTS( ostr1, skipLoops ); }

3. Modify igstkStateMachineExportTest.cxx to export the LTS file. It is currently
    exporting using the same macro reference as the export to .dot file, so if you
    look in your .lts files in Testing/Temporary you see they are really dot files

line 98:
  instance->ExportStateMachineDescriptionToLTS( ltsOutputFile, skipLoops );

Kevin A. Gary, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
kgary at asu.edu
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