[IGSTK-Developers] Re: Miccai workshop paper

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Tue Sep 6 15:35:34 EDT 2005

Hi Peter,

The IGSTK requirement/bug tracking process was put into place before
I joined the project, but I can offer some details.

Requirements are identified with three numbers e.g. 05.02.13, these numbers
refer to the section, subsection, and requirement number for any particular

As far as the bug tracker is concerned, a requirement is just a bug 
entry whose
title matches the pattern "REQ ##.##.##", and the bug description contains a
one-sentence summary of the requirement.

The generated document just lists all the requirements sorted by number, it
doesn't provide section or subsection headings.  Eventually we are going to
have to fix that...

Our current implementation is underdeveloped (I can think of a dozen
ways it could be improved), but it does what it was designed to do:
1) it adds a requirements database to the bugtracker
2) it forces people who add code to CVS to specify which requirement
  the source code is intended to satisfy
3) it automatically generates a document, based on the information in
  the requirements database

 - David

Kevin Gary wrote:

> Peter Kazanzides wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> Your idea about using the bug tracking system to manage the 
>> requirements is interesting.  Do you have a way of organizing the 
>> requirements?  Normally, a requirements document has some logical 
>> structure to it -- are you adding keywords that are processed by your 
>> automated extraction tools to help organize the document?  It would 
>> be interesting if you could discuss this further in the paper.
>> Peter
> Peter,
> Thanks for your comments.
> Brian Blake and David Gobbi have spearheaded a lot of the work
> on the requirements. We do use the bug tracking tool to track
> and organize the requirements, and Kitware set up the script
> to query the tool and post it on our Wiki nightly. I am forwarding
> your comments to the IGSTK mailing list.
> Kevin
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