[IGSTK-Developers] suggestion for annotation

Hee-su Kim hkim at isis.georgetown.edu
Fri Sep 9 03:30:03 EDT 2005

Hi, guys:

I have a suggestion for annotation.

We could just add TextSpatialObject, TextObjectRepresentation2D & TextObjectRepresentation3D instead of treating annotation as a special case.

In this way, we could make annotation implementation consistent with the existing architecture.

TextSpatialObject could be connected to another spatial object to get updates of transform.

TextObjectRepresentation2D will ignore the transform of TextSpatialObject and just use 2D view coordinates.

TextObjectRepresentation3D will display texts in 3D with some offset from the connected spatial object.(around another spatial object)
Or, it could display with the transform of TextSpatialObject when TextSpatialObject doesn't have a connect spatial object.

ImageReader and/or ImageSpatialObject should provide for patient&image information or give access to ImageIO class.(maybe explicit methods to give information will be preferred)

That's it.

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