[IGSTK-Developers] Tcon Agenda

Frank Lindseth Frank.Lindseth at sintef.no
Wed Dec 12 19:36:11 EST 2007

Thank you for responding Andinet.

Yes, we do need a NEW ImageResliceRep, and this work is scheduled for  
the next iteration (I hope),
but before the Tracker(Tool) comp. is "finalized" I think that it  
would be wise to spend some time thinking
about the optimal way for these two key comp. to communicate (on a  
high level at this point of course).
Torleif has made a SliceRep (in the sandbox, long name) that we use  
for display and "mouse" interaction,
but it's not properly connected to the new tracker yet.

So my intension was just to get some input regarding the intended way  
to "connect" key components,
while its still easy to do potential adjustments to the tracker, I  
find it a bit difficult and strange to look
at the tracker in "isolation", the three key comp. in a navigation  
system is Image(SpatialObject), (Tracker)Tool
and (Image)Reslice(Rep) (personal opinion) and View and camera  
becomes important in order to display an
oblique slice properly in a 2DView, in the links you find some of my  
early thoughts on this (in an IGSTK setting),
comments to these thoughts are still welcome.

- Frank

On Dec 12, 2007, at 10:46 PM, Andinet Enquobahrie wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> Thanks for pointing us to the image reslice application  
> requirements page.
> This application needs image reslicing functionality and  
> representation classes.
> From what I can tell from the sandbox,  this functionality is not  
> not fully implemented.
> There are isolated classes checked in at different points with no  
> tests and they are not
> yet integrated.
> Some of them are :
> igstkImageSliceRepresentation
> igstkImageSpatialObjectImagePlaneRepresenation
> etc
> If I remember correctly, somebody from your group started working  
> on this task.
> ( Sorry, I forgot if it was Ole Vegard, Geir Arne, Torlief or  
> somebody else).
> Can you  please update us the status? This functionality is slated  
> to be part of
> the current release and we will need to finish up the implementation.
> Thanks
> -Andinet
>> Hi Andinet,
>> Some (previous) comments regarding the intended use of the Tracker  
>> comp. (together with other comp.):
>> http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/ 
>> Tracker_Refactoring_Comments#Frank.27s_comments
>> http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/ 
>> TrackerToolExamples#Discussion
>> http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/ 
>> SceneGraphExamples#ImageReslice.28SORep.29:
>>  - Frank
>> On Dec 10, 2007, at 10:03 PM, Andinet Enquobahrie wrote:
>>> Patrick-
>>> Thanks for your comments and taking the time to test the tracker  
>>> code
>>> last week.
>>> I have responded to your comments on the wiki and I have checked in
>>> code changes addressing some of the issues we discussed on the  
>>> phone.
>>> Rest of the team-
>>> To give you an update, Patrick and I tested the new tracker classes
>>> on the Aurora Tracker for both 5DOF and 6DOF tool  types. After a  
>>> small
>>> bug fix, we were able to gather transform  measurements. So far,   
>>> the new tracker
>>> code has been tested on Micron Tracker and the Old Polaris Tracker.
>>> We still need to do more testing on these trackers and more  
>>> importantly
>>> we need to test the new code on the other types of trackers  
>>> ( Vicra, Spectra etc ).
>>> I am  hoping Frank and the rest the team in Norway will get a  
>>> chance to test the code
>>> and give us feedback.
>>> Thanks-
>>> -Andinet
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Here is the agenda for tomorrow's tcon.
>>>> http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/Agenda_121107
>>>> Please take a look at the code and maybe run some tests, and you  
>>>> can put your comments on this page:
>>>> http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/ 
>>>> Tracker_Refactoring_Comments
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Patrick
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>>>> IGSTK-Developers mailing list
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>>> -- 
>>> ==========================================================
>>> Andinet A. Enquobahrie, PhD
>>> R&D Engineer
>>> Kitware Inc.
>>> 28 Corporate Drive
>>> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
>>> Phone: 518-371-3971 x124
>>> www.kitware.com
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IGSTK-Developers mailing list
>>> IGSTK-Developers at public.kitware.com <mailto:IGSTK- 
>>> Developers at public.kitware.com>
>>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/igstk-developers
>> ------------------------------
>> Frank Lindseth
>> Research Scientist (PhD)
>> SINTEF Health Research
>> Dept. Medical Technology
>> N-7465 Trondheim, Norway
>> Location: Olav Kyrres gt. 9, 4th floor, Trondheim
>> E-mail: Frank.Lindseth at sintef.no <mailto:thomas.lango at sintef.no>
>> Telephone: +47 928 09 372
>> Telefax: +47 930 70 800
> -- 
> ==========================================================
> Andinet A. Enquobahrie, PhD
> R&D Engineer
> Kitware Inc.
> 28 Corporate Drive
> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
> Phone: 518-371-3971 x124
> www.kitware.com

Frank Lindseth
Research Scientist (PhD)

SINTEF Health Research
Dept. Medical Technology
N-7465 Trondheim, Norway
Location: Olav Kyrres gt. 9, 4th floor, Trondheim

E-mail: Frank.Lindseth at sintef.no
Telephone: +47 928 09 372
Telefax: +47 930 70 800

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