[IGSTK-Developers] IGSTK student project

Kevin Gary kgary at asu.edu
Fri Dec 21 14:05:54 EST 2007

Great idea Luis, I'll have them get the code in order when they return 
from semester break and submit it to the IJ. They have to write better 
unit tests - we are thinking safety!

They also produced a use case requirements document, so we will fold 
that into the submission as well.

Thanks again,

Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> It is great to hear that they developed reusable code.
> The interest in having an extra tracker is that it expands the
> options of use of IGSTK without compromising the code base.
> You could imagine the microscribe being used for surgery planning
> or for prosthesis design for example.
> I would suggest that they submit their code as a paper to the
> Insight Journal. The submission process let them indicate that
> the code is intended to be included in IGSTK.
>  From what I could see in the video, the simulation of the
> registration and tracking seem to be realistic. It looks like
> a nice piece of work.
> ... but only when looking at the code, and when trying to
>     reproduce their work we will know....   :-)
>    Happy Holidays,
>    (Think Safety...)
>      Luis
> -----------
> Kevin Gary wrote:
>> Hi Luis,
>> It is my understanding that they have. I have not reviewed the code 
>> however, to determine if it adheres to IGSTK best practices. I will do 
>> so after our semester break. I am not quite certain what benefit a 
>> microscribe class would have to IGSTK as it is not a surgical device?
>> The project team will contribute code for the pin pointer device when 
>> it is completed in the Spring.
>> Thanks for your feedback. I trust the students have properly simulated 
>> the registration and tracking scenarios accurately then?
>> Happy holidays IGSTK folks.
>> Kevin
>> Luis Ibanez wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> This is Great !
>>> Congratulations.
>>> Did the students write a Tracker class for interfacing to
>>> the Microscribe device ?
>>> If so, could you contribute this Tracker class to the repository ?
>>>    Thanks
>>>       Luis
>>> ------------------
>>> Kevin Gary wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I emailed the list last month about a student capstone project for 
>>>> neurosurgery using IGSTK. The aim is to have mechanical engineers 
>>>> create a pin-pointer like device to replace a stereotactic frame for 
>>>> path planning in emergency clinics in developing countries.
>>>> The initial prototype took the needle biopsy application and some 
>>>> data Patrick provided (thanks Patrick!) and integrated a microscribe 
>>>> pen device as the pin pointer (as it has 5 degrees of freedom). The 
>>>> students were able to register and track against a phantom head (the 
>>>> "head of Hector" as we call it in the lab).
>>>> A crude video is on youtube 
>>>> (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZajOrNa5uhc, or search on igstk) 
>>>> showing registration and tracking. If anyone wants to view and 
>>>> provide feedback to the students, we would welcome it. Next semester 
>>>> they hope to work with a device the MEs create in the machine shop.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> K2
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Kevin A. Gary, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Computing Studies
Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus
kgary at asu.edu
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