[IGSTK-Developers] Re: Some questions on IGSTK (SandBox) development schedule

Andinet Enquobahrie andinet.enqu at kitware.com
Tue Jan 8 08:27:08 EST 2008

Hi Vincent,

> Hello Mr Enquobahrie,
> I am currently developing a neurosurgical image guided software based on
> IGSTK. Development should be finished at the end of March, 2008.

Great to hear that you are developing an application using IGSTK.  Please
keep us up to date about your progress. We would love to hear about it.

> I noted that you are currently doing refactoring on some classes and
> that you plan to submit a new release in the next months. I would like,
> if possible, to have more informations on these plans, specially on
> planned dates.

We will have developer's tcon next week and we will have a better idea about
the release schedule.

> Moreover, I have some questions on IGSTK Sandbox current state :
> - I am not able to display any ObjectRepresentation (Matt Turek adviced
> me to change igstkObjectRepresentation class's code with a call to
> SetVisibilityOn() method and now it works).

> - I tried to use CoordinateSystem class  but I did not succeed in making
> it working.
> Do this problems come from IGSTK refactoring? Am I doing misuse of
> these classes ?

Can you give us more information about the problems you are having with the
coordinate system. We will definitely help you figure out the problem


> Thank you and have a nice day,
> Vincent

Andinet A. Enquobahrie, PhD
R&D Engineer
Kitware Inc.

28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-371-3971 x124

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