[Insight-developers] visual c++ tutorial status

Damion Shelton dmsst59@pitt.edu
Fri, 2 Mar 2001 08:54:35 -0500

To Lydia and others....

It turns out there were two omissions in the tutorial (found by Stephen and
Bill) which prevent it from compiling if you follow it exactly. These are:

1) You need to use the multi-thread libraries, with /MDd for debug builds or
/MD for release builds

2) You need to enable RTTI, found on the "C++ language" pulldown under the
C/C++ tab in the project options window

Another suggestion provided by Stephen is adding the include and library
paths to Visual C++ in general, via Tools->Options->Directories, rather than
using the /I flags in the compiler settings for each project. In most
circumstances this is probably a good idea, because it saves you from having
to retype everything (probably not a good idea if you're going to be
distributing stand-alone example workspaces though).

Hopefully those two flags are all I overlooked. I'll be updating the
tutorial very soon, hopefully later today after I'm clear of my last
midterm. If anyone else has suggestions for additional things they'd like to
see, or any other errors/omissions, please let me know. Thanks for the help.
