[Insight-developers] Re: AW: [Insight-users] FLTK???? FastMarchingLevelSet

Kent Williams kent@mail.psychiatry.uiowa.edu
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 09:57:45 -0600

For those of you having trouble using Examples/Apps that need FLTK:

There are some problems with trying to compile stuff 'out of tree' having=
do with intra-source-tree references.  While these could be resolved=20
somewhat, it involves radically changing CMakeLists.txt files.

But there's a problem compiling the subdirectories in Auxiliary in-tree i=
f the=20
CMakeLists.txt includes a FLTK_WRAP_UI clause.  I know how to fix it -- y=
add this line:

SET ( FLTK_WRAP_UI 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Can we honour the FLTK_WRAP_UI comma=
nd" )

before the FLTK_WRAP_UI statement.

Now there's probably some less convoluted syntax. to accomplish this, but=
yesterday when I was working on this kitware.com was down and I was flyin=
blind, so I just copied the line from the Cmake/Modules/FindFLTK.cmake.

Note that the in-tree build fails unless you turn on the FLTK_WRAP_UI com=
in Insight/Auxiliary/.../CMakeLists.txt.   Ideally, the Insight build sho=
do this the 'correct' way -- including FindFLTK.cmake.  The problem with=20
doing this is that FindFLTK.cmake doesn't work if you don't install FLTK =
some 'standard' place.  At our site, we build continuously on different=20
platforms and have integrated ITK/VTK/fltk into our local build environme=
so we don't normally install to /usr/local or /usr/lib -- we have a=20
per-developer tree.

Just by accident, yesterday I discovered that the current CVS checkout of=
Insight, VTK, and fltk 1.1.2 builds completely, Insight/Applications=20
included.  The key apparently is getting Insight/Auxiliary to build, and =
key to building THAT is the hack detailed above!