[Insight-developers] Buildflags for producing flaky executables
Hans Johnson
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 16:09:34 -0600
ITK build gurus,
I am building four nightly builds with two different compilers (gcc 2.96
and icc 7.0) and two different build types (DEBUG and FAST). All builds
builds are under a redhat 7.3 linux machines same kernel/rpm versions.
The only difference between the builds are the compiler flags:
MHCRC_athlon_DEBUG: -g -fstrict-aliasing -UNDEBUG -Wall -Wcast-qual
All code compiles (3390 warnings) and all tests pass.
MHCRC_athlon_FAST: -DNDEBUG -O3 -funroll-all-loops -funroll-loops -march=at
hlon -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing
All code compiles (0 warnings) but the following tests fail:
itkBinaryThresholdImageFilterTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkBSplineDeformableTransformTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkBSplineKernelFunctionTest Failed CHILDKILLED itkExceptionObjectTest
Failed CHILDKILLED itkFastMarchingExtensionImageFilterTest Failed
CHILDKILLED itkImageRegistrationMethodTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkImageRegistrationMethodTest_13 Failed CHILDKILLED
itkImageRegistrationMethodTest_14 Failed CHILDKILLED
itkInterpolateImageFilterTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkMeanSquaresImageMetricTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethodTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethodTest_1 Failed CHILDKILLED
itkMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethodTest_2 Failed CHILDKILLED
itkMutualInformationMetricTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkNormalizedCorrelationImageMetricTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkPatternIntensityImageMetricTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkPermuteAxesImageFilterTest Failed CHILDKILLED itkShrinkImageTest
Failed CHILDKILLED itkSplineKernelTransformTest Failed CHILDSTATUS
MHCRC_icc_DEBUG: -g -UNDEBUG -w1 -wd810,188
All code compiles (19 warnings), but the following tests fail:
itk2DDeformableTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkBloxBoundaryPointImageToBloxBoundaryProfileImageFilterTest Failed
All code compiles (19 warnings), but the following tests fail:
itkBloxBoundaryPointImageToBloxBoundaryProfileImageFilterTest Failed
itkMinMaxCurvatureFlowImageFilterTest Failed CHILDKILLED
itkSplineKernelTransformTest Failed CHILDSTATUS
test_complex_eigensystem Failed Timeout
test_cpoly_roots Failed Timeout
test_qsvd Failed Timeout
I hope this helps track down some of the problems.
Hans J. Johnson
Hans J. Johnson W294 GH
hans-johnson@uiowa.edu Dept. of Psychiatry
http://www.psychiatry.uiowa.edu/~hjohnson The University of Iowa
(319) 353-8587 Iowa City, IA 52242