[Insight-developers] cmake version of the Insigh Journal Automatic Testing System seems to be 2.0

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Tue Mar 28 11:02:06 EST 2006

At 10:46 AM 3/28/2006, Gaetan Lehmann wrote:

>We can build all the languages by default, but most of the user surely  
>don't want that, and surely don't have all the required languages  
>installed; If one language is not installed on the user host, the user  
>will get several error messages and warnings, things that should really be  
>For me, the best solution for the end user is to set no language by  
>default, and let him choose what he want to build.

How about build the languages that are found by cmake?

>Again, WrapITK is not only a submission to the insight journal, it's a  
>full project, and the CMakeLists.txt file is not only there to set up the  
>tests, but also to make the configuration of the project easy.

I realize that, but for the submission, you can make minor changes to WrapITK,
so that it will build and work as other IJ submissions.  Once, it is accepted
as part of ITK, the changes can be removed.


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