[Insight-developers] ImageFileReader/Writer read progress

Iván Macía imacia at vicomtech.org
Tue May 19 05:33:22 EDT 2009

Dear all,


It seems like itk::ImageFileReader does not report any ProgressEvent. On the
other hand, ImageFileWriter does seem to update progress for each stream
division when NumberOfStreamDivisions is greater than one.


Are there any plans to implement this functionality? It seems like the main
problem is that, in that case, each ImageIO should report its own progress
to inform the ImageFileReader if im not wrong.


In general, these operations don’t take too much time but there are cases in
which it takes considerable time and I would like to inform users of my
application about the progress of the operation, for example when the file
is being read directly from another place the network.


Thanks in advance




Iván Macía Oliver
Investigador / Ikertzailea / Researcher
Departamento de Aplicaciones Biomédicas - Aplikazio Biomedikoaren Alorra -
Biomedical Applications
VICOMTech - Visual Interaction and Communication Technologies Center
Mikeletegi Pasealekua, 57 - Parque Tecnológico
E-20009 Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain
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e-mail:  <mailto:lkabongo at vicomtech.org> imacia at vicomtech.org
 <http://www.vicomtech.org> http://www.vicomtech.org

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