[Insight-developers] git process - merging in master before push to gerrit

kent williams norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu
Tue Nov 23 15:52:06 EST 2010

I'm not the final authority but I what I understand is this: just do git
gerrit-merge.  If there are merge conflicts, then it will print instructions
on what to do after you resolve the conflicts.

If you rebase your patch to sync with the current head, it just makes the
revision history squirrely.

Now, what I do, which works, but may be out of date:

1. Resolve the conflicts.
2. start a new branch, named <topic>-resolve
3. Commit the fixes locally.
4. git gerrit-merge again.

Actually, though the new streamlined ITK Git page
http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Git/Develop is fine, but it doesn't give any
advice on what to do with conflicts.

If the message printed when conflicts occur is clear then no problem, but it
wouldn't hurt to have an explanation on the Wiki

On 11/23/10 2:32 PM, "Michael Stauffer" <mstauff at verizon.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> A git/gerrit question. Say I'm on a topic branch for more than a few
> hours or day. I make my changes and test, then merge in from
> origin/master to test against the latest changes from master.
> Assuming my changes still work, do I then push directly from this topic
> branch to gerrit, or do I pull out my changes into a new branch based on
> the latest master so the history's a little cleaner?
> If I need to pull out my changes, what's an efficient way to do that if
> I've modified existing files, and not just added new ones? Use git patch
> and apply it to a clean branch based on the latest master?
> Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Micheal
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