[Insight-developers] ITK wrapping status

Michal Suchanek hramrach at centrum.cz
Thu Oct 14 15:01:53 EDT 2010

On 14 October 2010 20:17, kent williams <norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu> wrote:
> So you're completely dropping TCL support?  That's what Hans indicated, but
> it looks now like it's in the supported-sort-of-but-not-maintained category.
> One of my jobs in the next year is going to be porting thousands of lines of
> Tcl to Python for this reason?

You can also port them to JRuby if that makes you feel better ;-)

But seriously while TCL has its merits it is aging and TCL developers
are getting fewer and further apart making maintenance of TCL
wrappings more of a burden.

Obviously, you and other people whith large TCL code base can work on
the TCL wrappings instead of porting the code. I have no idea how much
the TCL C interface differs from the one of the already supported
languages and how much work this would be.



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