[Insight-developers] ITKv4 Module Names

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Thu Feb 10 13:21:44 EST 2011

On 02/10/2011 11:22 AM, Bill Lorensen wrote:
> To be consistent with the class names, should the following be changed?
> ITK/IO/bmp -> ITK/IO/BMP
> ITK/IO/gipl -> GIPL
> ITK/IO/ipl -> IPL
> ITK/IO/jpeg -> JPEG
> ITK/IO/nifti -> NIFTI
> ITK/IO/nrrd -> NRRD
> ITK/IO/png -> PNG

Sure.  Like I said in the original email I need help choosing the capitalization.
After collecting feedback here I will propose an updated mapping.

> And also:
> ITK/Registration/PdeDeformableRegistration ->
> ITK/Registration/PDEDeformableRegistration


> ITK/Segmentation/RegionGrowingKlm ITK/Segmentation/RegionGrowingKLM
> or maybe the later should be
> ITK/Segmentation/KLMRegionGrowing
> The question here is where does the adjective go, prefix or suffix.
> Most seem to be prefix.

I think that should match the module name's order.

> Another question, should the ITK/Registrtion subdirectories include
> Registration in there names:
> ITK/Registration/FEMRegistration - ITK/Registration/FEM
> ITK/Registration/PdeDeformableRegistration - ITK/Registration/PDEDeformable
> ITK/Registration/RegistrationCommon - ITK/Registration/Common
> My guess is that the current names are needed if the directory
> structure is flattened? Or that it makes sense to have directory names
> that match the module names.

Since the directory structure and module names are independent we
could leave out the group name if it is otherwise duplicated in
the module name when choosing the subdirectory name inside a group.
It can keep paths shorter while remaining unambiguous.  Any future
regrouping can change the directory names as needed to avoid
collision/confusion without changing the module names.


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