[Insight-developers] Composite Transform -- how to copy?

Williams, Norman K norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu
Tue Nov 8 12:32:42 EST 2011

Is there a 'create a copy of a transform' method in the transform

The reason I ask is that I'm trying to re-write some BRAINS code that
reads transform files.  The existing code reads the transform list, and
then creates a new instance of the appropriate transform type, and fills
it in with SetParameters and SetFixedParameters.

In trying to support CompositeTransforms, Setting the parameters won't
work at all.  What it looks like I need to do is get the transform Queue,
and for each transform in the queue, create a new transform and add it to
my copy, and read out the 'transform-to-optimize' flags for each and set
it on the new transform.

This seems like a lot of work that shouldn't be replicated every place a
Composite Transform needs copying.

Kent Williams norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu

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