[Insight-developers] itkSimpleImageRegistrationTest failing (gcc 4.4 change in floating point computation)

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Mon Feb 27 22:51:57 EST 2012


The itkSimpleImageRegistrationTest  is failing on a couple systems. Perhaps those with newer versions of gcc (gcc4.4+ )


They appear to be consistently failing in the same way each night and across the platforms. Why do I think it's failing? I hope someone has more insight, but it appears that gcc has changed something in how it does/optimized floating point computation so that results are slightly different. My first potentially relavent google hit:


It is not clear to me if the output is "close" enough to be considered correct. Specifically, the bottom right appears to be more then a pixel off in the registration. Is it correct enough?

If it is I am tempted to add a second baseline image to the test ( as opposed to adding tolerances  to the comparison ).

Thought on how to clean up the dashboard further?


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