[Insight-developers] Using ITK with DCMTK

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Thu Nov 29 15:40:34 EST 2012

On 11/29/2012 03:07 PM, Bradley Lowekamp wrote:
> All we need to export from ITK is the libraries we need to link against.
> That is SimpleITK full wraps ITK and doesn't expose and ITK header or symbols.
> So we just need the library information to export to projects that use SimpleITK
> How am I suppose to do that with the ITK cmake configuration?

The ITK module information files would also need to be loaded in
order to get the DCMTK targets.  ITKConfig.cmake already does this
and is the documented public interface.  Besides the DCMTK imported
targets it is purely declarative so loading it should not hurt.

-Brad K

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