[Insight-users] Examples/vtkITK

Neil Killeen Neil.Killeen@atnf.csiro.au
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 14:41:02 +1100 (EST)

Still finalizing my build...  I think I am at the last
hurdle for now.

I can't get the


code to compile.  Many of the examples fail.

For example, the first one triggered in the Makefile is

cetus-305% g++-3.1.1 -Wno-deprecated -ftemplate-depth-50
-I/nfs/aips2prg/nkilleen/itk/sun4sol -I/usr/local/include/vtk
-I/usr/openwin/include -c
-o vtkITKMutualInformationTransform.o

In file included from
ISO   C++ forbids declaration of `vtkTypeRevisionMacro' with no type
cannot   declare parameter `<anonymous>' to be of type `vtkLinearTransform'
    because the following virtual functions are abstract:
/usr/local/include/vtk/vtkAbstractTransform.h:220:      virtual void
/usr/local/include/vtk/vtkAbstractTransform.h:251:      virtual
   vtkAbstractTransform* vtkAbstractTransform::MakeTransform()
   specifier omitted for parameter
   error before string constant
   C++ forbids declaration of `vtkCxxRevisionMacro' with no type
   C++ forbids declaration of `vtkStandardNewMacro' with no type
   member function `virtual void
   vtkITKMutualInformationTransform::PrintSelf(std::ostream&, vtkIndent)':
   class vtkITKMutualInformationTransform' has no member named
   error before `::' token

Indeed, the very first error that you see above, does appear to
be a coding error (no type assigned to the function).  But I don't
know what type it should take and commenting out that function
(which is not defined in the cxx gets me in more trouble).

In addition,  if I go on to the next application (by commenting this one
out), other compile errors occur.

Is there some compiler switch I should be using
to handle the vtkITK examples (perhaps some deprecation switch,
although I already have -Wno-deprecated on)
