[Insight-users] ITK and OSX

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 18:01:32 -0500


"valarray"  is one of the components of the
C++ Standard Template Library.

It is used like:

   #include <valarray>
   std::valarray< float >  myArrayOfFloats;

Unfortunately... is not a "standard" component of the STL
(though it is found in many systems: SGI/Win/Linux/Sun) .

For more details you might want to have a look at:


Could you please try to compile a small test like:

#include <valarray>
int main()
  std::valarray< int >  intArray;
  std::valarray< float > floatArray;
  return 0;

If it happens that OSX does not include valarray
as part of STL we may want to remove it and use
something like the std::vector<>

Some compilers (like the one in SGI) require you
to activate flags in order to use STL....

That's another option to check....



Robb Brown wrote:

> I convinced ITK to compile on OSX without the examples.  Trying to 
> build the examples though, gives an error:
> Insight/Code/Common/itkSliceIterator.h:22: valarray: No such file or 
> directory
> when compiling the MIregistration example.  Sure enough, the compiler 
> can't find valarray.h.  What is it?