[Insight-users] ITK and OSX

William A. Hoffman bill.hoffman@kitware.com
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 22:02:36 -0500

Unfortunately, that is the first of many problems you will have trying to 
compile and use ITK on OSX.
OSX has a very strange version of the gnu compiler.   I spent several weeks 
on and off with it, and
finally gave up after reporting several bugs to the OSX compiler 
team.   ITK is a heavily templated
library, and turning off the Examples and Tests means that you are not 
compiling much of the code
at all.   So, if you actually want to use some of the code, it will not 
work until the examples and tests work.


At 03:39 PM 2/25/2002 -0700, Robb Brown wrote:

>I convinced ITK to compile on OSX without the examples.  Trying to build 
>the examples though, gives an error:
>Insight/Code/Common/itkSliceIterator.h:22: valarray: No such file or directory
>when compiling the MIregistration example.  Sure enough, the compiler 
>can't find valarray.h.  What is it?
>Robb Brown
>Seaman Family MR Research Centre
>Calgary, Alberta, Canada
>Insight-users mailing list