[Insight-users] Re: question about itk install

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 09:28:00 -0500

Hi fj,

It seems that you have enable most of the advanced features in ITK :-)
but you may not need all of them.

Let's go in order:

ITK is full C++ code but we found interesting to be able to use it
from interpreted languages like Tcl, Python and Java. In order to
achieve this goal, ITK code needs to be wrapped in such a way to
present an interface that each one of these interpreted languages
could understand.

The difficulty in wrapping ITK is that most of the code is templated.
So the actual types of the classes is defined at the last moment by
the users. In order to wrap ITK, some combination of the templated
types has to be selected and according to these types, wrappers can
be generated on a class-by-class basis.

The program that performs this wrapping is called CABLE. It is
Open Source as all of the tools that we use with ITK. Its home page
is :

The reason why CMake is asking you about CABLE is that the
option : ITK_WRAP_TCL is "ON" in your configuration. Just turning
this option "OFF" will prevent CMake from asking about CABLE paths.

Along the same lines, the input for CABLE is a description of the types
for the ITK classes that you are using. Given that C++ is very rich in
the expressions that are valid types, it turned out that the most efficient
way to parse C++ code was to use the "gcc" parser itself. GCC_XML
us a tool that using gcc's parser export a descritption of your types in an
XML format. CABLE uses this XML description in order to generate

GCC_XML uses are not limited to wrapping and is such a powerful tool
that was isolated in a repository of its own. The home page for GCC_XML

Because in ITK GCC_XML is used as a first stage for wrapping, just
turning ITK_WRAP_TCL "OFF" will also prevent CMake form asking for
GCC_XML paths and components.


There seems to be still an error with FLTK_WRAP_UI anyways....
Please disable the Tcl wrapping and post to us the remaining errors just
to make sure that at least one problem was isolated.




fj wrote:

>Dear Luis Ibanez:
>       Like you have said ,
>I have use fltk.dsw to compile demod.exe.and then I use Cmake to compile ITK and do the following things.
>The FLTK_WRAP_UI is an advanced command.
>Please run CMake and select the check box
>that says "Advanced" .
>I have  seen new items appear in the browser.
>Select "ON" for FLTK_WRAP_UI
>Also double check that
>point to :
>- the directory where FLTK is installed
>- the librarly ....../lib/fltkd.lib
>- the fluid program ......./fluid/fluidd.exe
>But I still meet some problem when I compile ITK by CMake, the detail is :
>CMaker Error: FLTK_WRAP_UI:error:
>fltk_wrap_ui bad source list passed to:
>FLTKWARPUICommand E:/TEMP/itk/itk/itksourcewin32beta/insight/auxiliary/fltkimageviewer
>Wrapping is enabled, but GCCXML is not found!error
>wrapping is enabled, but CABLE is not found!Error
>CMakerError in generation process, project files may be invalid
>what is GCCXML? what is CABLE??? Always can not find them .I think I have give the right path of fltk to CMAKE.