[Insight-users] Building ITK with Borland C++ broken?

Jarek Sacha jpsacha@poczta.onet.pl
Tue, 07 May 2002 22:03:12 +200

Do ITK supports building with Borland C++?

I am trying to compile ITK beta with Borland 6 C++. Compilation crashes on the very first file with message:

  Borland C++ 5.6 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2002 Borland
  Error E2075: Incorrect command line option: /MDd
I edited Makefile and removed "/MDd", got similar messages for options "/Zi" and "/GZ". Editing CMakeCache.txt seemed to do the trick. But then build stopped with attempt to call 'cl' on 
This decently looks like broken Borland support. It there a way to fix this?


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