[Insight-users] ITK makefile request

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Mon, 04 Nov 2002 14:55:49 -0500

Hi Silvester,

ITK is using CMake in order to generate Makefiles.

You can download CMake in source or binaries from


The advantage of using CMake is that from a single
specification it can generate Makefiles for Unix,
Borland, cygwin, Mac and workspaces for Windows
(VC++ 6 and .NET).

CMake expects you to create a file named "CMakeLists.txt"
where you provide the basic information about your
project. For example, the name of the final target,
the libraries you want to link with, the directories
you want to add to the search path for headers and
so on...

CMake uses this information for generating Makefiles
for you.

         "Life will never be the same...."


The PDF document


describes how to write your own CMakeLists.txt file

You may also find useful the documentation of CMake
from http://www.CMake.org

Please let us know if you encounter any difficulties.




Silvester Czanner wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to compile my own application together with ITK. I would 
> like to ask, if there is an instruction manual or a makefile example, 
> how to do it. Thank you.
> Silvester