[Insight-users] 2D Registration parameters

Nino Z ninoz@wsucougars.com
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 16:22:33 -0800 (PST)

Hello Luis,

I'm trying to register two 2D grayscale satellite images. They are not rotated or scaled. One image is shifted from the other in X and Y direction, so I'm trying to find the X and Y translation values. From the several image registration method tests in the Testing directory, I found several combination of parameters that work with my two test images. When I'm using the Affine transform and the CommandIterator to view the results, I get something like this:

value: [value1 value2 value3 value4 value5 value6)

>From the examples I figured out that value5 and value6 are the actual displacement values. In the examples it's [-7 -3]. Are these values in pixels? What do the rest of values mean? Where can I find what the scale and rotation are?

Is there an optimal combination of registration parameters for the satellite images (optimizer, transform, interpolator and metric) or does the combination depend on the individual images?

My code is heavily based on the Image Registration example (filtered out all of the FLTK from it) in the Examples directory and I used some of the tricks I learned from the examples in the Algorithms Tests directory.

