[Insight-users] Bug in itkVOLImageIO.cxx

Gert Wollny wollny@cns.mpg.de
07 Nov 2002 13:09:07 +0100

Hello all, 

when I was reading over the code to implement my own data reader class i
saw the following:

in void VOLImageIO::ReadData the define 

#ifndef _WIN32
  // reverse byte order for big-endian machines, which i guess would be
  //  not win32?

is a bit short-sighted, since endianess is not a matter of the OS but of
the hardware. 

With unix, autoconf provides the check AC_C_BIGENDIAN, which in turn
defines the macro WORDS_BIGENDIAN. However, I do not know how this
translates to cmake. Therefor I can not offer a simple fix. 

Best wishes



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