[Insight-users] Writing a Colour Meta Image
Puja Malik
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:22:53 +0100
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> Hello,
> I'm having some trouble writing a colour meta image. I am using
> exactly the same format as the MetaImageWriterExample, except I have
> declared my image with an RGB pixel type. The program compiles and
> links, but fails at runtime as soon as the ImageFileWriter::Write()
> function is called. I've had no problems when writing to a grey
> image. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong? Here is my code:
> typedef itk::Image<itk::RGBPixel<float>, 3> ImageType;
> ImageType::SizeType imSize = {{256, 256, 10}};
> ImageType::Pointer im = ImageType::New();
> im->SetRegions(imSize);
> im->Allocate();
> //To set the pixels I declare a temporary RGB pixel variable and set
> each pixel using an iterator:
> itk::ImageRegionIterator< ImageType > it(im,
> im->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
> //create a temporary RGB pixel object to use to set each pixel
> itk::RGBPixel<float> tempPix;
> it.GoToBegin();
> while(!it.IsAtEnd())
> {
> //sets in order Red, Green Blue
> tempPix.SetRed(50);
> tempPix.SetGreen(0);
> tempPix.SetBlue(0);
> it.Set(tempPix);
> ++it;
> }
> //>>>>>>>>>> Write the Image to a file <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<//
> typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< ImageType > VolumeWriterType;
> VolumeWriterType::Pointer writer = VolumeWriterType::New();
> itk::MetaImageIO::Pointer metaWriter = itk::MetaImageIO::New();
> writer->SetImageIO( metaWriter );
> writer->SetFileName(fName);
> writer->SetInput( im );
> //>>>>>>>>>>>>>PROGRAM FAILS HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<//
> writer->Write();
> Any ideas as to why the program fails would be very helpful! thanks.
> ---------------------------------------
> Puja Malik
> M. E. Müller Institute for Biomechanics
> University of Bern
> P. O. Box 30
> 3010 Bern
> Switzerland
> Phone: +41-31-632-8730
> Fax: +41-31-632-4951
> Email: Puja.Malik@memot.unibe.ch
> ---------------------------------------
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<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hello,
<p>I'm having some trouble writing a colour meta image.
I am using exactly the same format as the MetaImageWriterExample, except
I have declared my image with an RGB pixel type. The program compiles
and links, but fails at runtime as soon as the ImageFileWriter::Write()
function is called. I've had no problems when writing to a grey image.
I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong? Here is my code:
<p> typedef itk::Image<itk::RGBPixel<float>, 3> ImageType;
<br> ImageType::SizeType imSize = {{256, 256, 10}};
<p> ImageType::Pointer im = ImageType::New();
<br> im->SetRegions(imSize);
<br> im->Allocate();
<p>//To set the pixels I declare a temporary RGB pixel variable and set
each pixel using an iterator:
<p> itk::ImageRegionIterator< ImageType > it(im,
<br> im->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
<p> //create a temporary RGB pixel object to use to set each pixel
<br> itk::RGBPixel<float> tempPix;
<p> it.GoToBegin();
<p> while(!it.IsAtEnd())
<br> {
<br> //sets in order Red, Green Blue
<br> tempPix.SetRed(50);
<br> tempPix.SetGreen(0);
<br> tempPix.SetBlue(0);
<br> it.Set(tempPix);
<br> ++it;
<br> }
<p>//>>>>>>>>>> Write the Image to a file <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<//
<p> typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< ImageType > VolumeWriterType;
<br> VolumeWriterType::Pointer writer = VolumeWriterType::New();
<p> itk::MetaImageIO::Pointer metaWriter = itk::MetaImageIO::New();
<p> writer->SetImageIO( metaWriter );
<br> writer->SetFileName(fName);
<br> writer->SetInput( im );
<p>//>>>>>>>>>>>>>PROGRAM FAILS HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<//
<br> writer->Write();
<p>Any ideas as to why the program fails would be very helpful! thanks.
Puja Malik
M. E. Müller Institute for Biomechanics
University of Bern
P. O. Box 30
3010 Bern
Phone: +41-31-632-8730
Fax: +41-31-632-4951
Email: Puja.Malik@memot.unibe.ch