[Insight-users] Writing a Colour Meta Image

Puja Malik puja.malik@memot.unibe.ch
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:22:53 +0100

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> Hello,
> I'm having some trouble writing a colour meta image.    I am using
> exactly the same format as the MetaImageWriterExample, except I have
> declared my image with an RGB pixel type.  The program compiles and
> links, but fails at runtime as soon as the ImageFileWriter::Write()
> function is called.  I've had no problems when writing to a grey
> image.  I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong?  Here is my code:
>   typedef itk::Image<itk::RGBPixel<float>, 3> ImageType;
>  ImageType::SizeType imSize = {{256, 256, 10}};
>   ImageType::Pointer im = ImageType::New();
>   im->SetRegions(imSize);
>   im->Allocate();
> //To set the pixels I declare a temporary RGB pixel variable and set
> each pixel using an iterator:
>   itk::ImageRegionIterator< ImageType > it(im,
>         im->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
>   //create a temporary RGB pixel object to use to set each pixel
>   itk::RGBPixel<float> tempPix;
>   it.GoToBegin();
>   while(!it.IsAtEnd())
>   {
>    //sets in order Red, Green Blue
>    tempPix.SetRed(50);
>    tempPix.SetGreen(0);
>    tempPix.SetBlue(0);
>     it.Set(tempPix);
>     ++it;
>   }
> //>>>>>>>>>> Write the Image to a file <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<//
>   typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< ImageType > VolumeWriterType;
>   VolumeWriterType::Pointer writer = VolumeWriterType::New();
>   itk::MetaImageIO::Pointer metaWriter = itk::MetaImageIO::New();
>   writer->SetImageIO( metaWriter );
>   writer->SetFileName(fName);
>   writer->SetInput( im );
> //>>>>>>>>>>>>>PROGRAM FAILS HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<//
>   writer->Write();
> Any ideas as to why the program fails would be very helpful! thanks.
> ---------------------------------------
> Puja Malik
> M. E. Müller Institute for Biomechanics
> University of Bern
> P. O. Box 30
> 3010 Bern
> Switzerland
> Phone: +41-31-632-8730
> Fax: +41-31-632-4951
> Email: Puja.Malik@memot.unibe.ch
> ---------------------------------------

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hello,
<p>I'm having some trouble writing a colour meta image.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
I am using exactly the same format as the MetaImageWriterExample, except
I have declared my image with an RGB pixel type.&nbsp; The program compiles
and links, but fails at runtime as soon as the ImageFileWriter::Write()
function is called.&nbsp; I've had no problems when writing to a grey image.&nbsp;
I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong?&nbsp; Here is my code:
<p>&nbsp; typedef itk::Image&lt;itk::RGBPixel&lt;float>, 3> ImageType;
<br>&nbsp;ImageType::SizeType imSize = {{256, 256, 10}};
<p>&nbsp; ImageType::Pointer im = ImageType::New();
<br>&nbsp; im->SetRegions(imSize);
<br>&nbsp; im->Allocate();
<p>//To set the pixels I declare a temporary RGB pixel variable and set
each pixel using an iterator:
<p>&nbsp; itk::ImageRegionIterator&lt; ImageType > it(im,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; im->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
<p>&nbsp; //create a temporary RGB pixel object to use to set each pixel
<br>&nbsp; itk::RGBPixel&lt;float> tempPix;
<p>&nbsp; it.GoToBegin();
<p>&nbsp; while(!it.IsAtEnd())
<br>&nbsp; {
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; //sets in order Red, Green Blue
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; tempPix.SetRed(50);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; tempPix.SetGreen(0);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; tempPix.SetBlue(0);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; it.Set(tempPix);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ++it;
<br>&nbsp; }
<p>//>>>>>>>>>> Write the Image to a file &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;//
<p>&nbsp; typedef itk::ImageFileWriter&lt; ImageType > VolumeWriterType;
<br>&nbsp; VolumeWriterType::Pointer writer = VolumeWriterType::New();
<p>&nbsp; itk::MetaImageIO::Pointer metaWriter = itk::MetaImageIO::New();
<p>&nbsp; writer->SetImageIO( metaWriter );
<br>&nbsp; writer->SetFileName(fName);
<br>&nbsp; writer->SetInput( im );
<p>//>>>>>>>>>>>>>PROGRAM FAILS HERE&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;//
<br>&nbsp; writer->Write();
<p>Any ideas as to why the program fails would be very helpful! thanks.
Puja Malik
M. E. M&uuml;ller Institute for Biomechanics
University of Bern
P. O. Box 30
3010 Bern
Phone: +41-31-632-8730
Fax: +41-31-632-4951
Email: Puja.Malik@memot.unibe.ch
