[Insight-users] installation problem

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 10:25:08 -0500

imho wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> the fact is that when I've compiled itk, the path was : 
> C:/internet/VTK/ITK/InsightToolkit-1.0.0/InsightToolkit-1.0.0
> (the decompression puts one folder too much)
> and now I have moved the sources in :
> C:/internet/VTK/ITK/InsightToolkit-1.0.0/
> that's the confusion?

Yeap !,
that's what it is.

You *should not* move the ITK sources after you have built it.

When you configure ITK in a binary directory, CMake creates
a file names "UseITK.cmake" intended to be used to configure
applications that use ITK.  Among the content of this file,
you will find the ITK source dir. This is passed by CMake to
your external application so all the header files can be found.

If you move the sources after building ITK, the UseITK.cmake
file ends up pointing to an unexisting directory.

> so now I have put the sources in
> C:/internet/VTK/ITK/InsightToolkit-1.0.0/InsightToolkit-1.0.0
> again
> and have these errors :
> lkit-1.0.0\InsightToolkit-1.0.0\Examples\QtITK\itkQtLightIndicator.h(22) 
> : error C2039: 'setPaletteBackgroundColor' : is not a member of 
> 'QtLightIndicator'

This is normal.

The example was created on Linux using Qt 3.1

The free version of Qt for windows is 2.3 and
the method setPaletteBackgroundColor() was not
available in this version.

Julien Jomier fixed this yesterday, so it will
run on Windows with Qt 2.3. You may want to
take a look at his changes.

The offending method was replaced with


You can hand modify your version, or simple
cvs update.

Please let us know if that help,

