[Insight-users] Borland 6 Build error

John Biddiscombe John Biddiscombe" <jbiddiscombe@skippingmouse.co.uk
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 15:01:40 -0000

In a spare moment trying to get ITK built with BCB6 I ran into this error

Error E2316 D:\Insight\Code\Common\itkImageRegion.txx 177:
'ImageRegion<VImageDimension>::Slice(const unsigned long) const'
is not a member of 'ImageRegion<VImageDimension>'

I can only assume a compiler glitch, but can anyone suggest a workaround or
reason why this error is being thrown up. The code in question is below, it
doesn't like the declaration (There are many more very similar errors so
finding a workaround would help no end.)


template<unsigned int VImageDimension>
typename ImageRegion<VImageDimension>::SliceRegion
::Slice(const unsigned long dim) const
  Index<SliceDimension> sliceIndex;
  Size<SliceDimension> sliceSize;

  unsigned int ii = 0;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < VImageDimension; i++)
    if (i != dim)
      sliceIndex[ii] = m_Index[i];
      sliceSize[ii] = m_Size[i];

  return ImageRegion<SliceDimension>(sliceIndex, sliceSize);