[Insight-users] qmake vs. cmake

Th. Boettger t.boettger@dkfz-heidelberg.de
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 11:55:26 +0200

Hi everybody,

We have the following problem:

We're trying to compile an example program on windows and VC 7.0 as well as
on Linux. We created a qmake-pro file and generated the makefile and the
vc-project file, respectively. When executing the program on linux
everything works well, but when executing the prog on windows the
application exits abnormally when calling a filter->Update() method with the
following msg:

	This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual
	Please contact the application's support team for more information.

VC debug:

 	msvcr70.dll!_CxxThrowException(void * pExceptionObject=0x0012fcd8, const
_s__ThrowInfo * pThrowInfo=0x7c047f0c)  + 0x34	C++
 	msvcr70.dll!HeapManager::Destructor() 	C++
,2>(double * space=0x008b5ab8)  Line 48 + 0x34	C++
 	itkTests.exe!itk::Image<float,2>::RebuildTransforms()  Line 259 + 0x22	C++
 	itkTests.exe!itk::Image<float,2>::SetSpacing(const float *
spacing=0x008b34c0)  Line 169 + 0x10	C++
>::GenerateOutputInformation()  Line 121 + 0x17	C++
 	itkTests.exe!itk::ImageBase<2>::UpdateOutputInformation()  Line 128 + 0x34
 	itkTests.exe!itk::ProcessObject::UpdateOutputInformation()  Line 581	C++
 	itkTests.exe!itk::ProcessObject::UpdateLargestPossibleRegion()  Line 1064
 	itkTests.exe!main(int argc=1244688, char * * argv=0x00000002)  Line 55 +
0x21	C++

When using a cmake project file on windows the application behaves normal.

Does anybody know of what one have to take care when creating the vc project
from a qmake file instead of a cmake file?


Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Boettger
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum         (German Cancer Research Center)
Div. Medical and Biological Informatics H0100    Tel: (+49) 6221-42 2328
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280                          Fax: (+49) 6221-42 2345
D-69120 Heidelberg                            e-mail: t.boettger@DKFZ.de
Germany                                           http://www.dkfz.de/mbi