[Insight-users] Procrustes registration again

imho imho@skynet.be
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 09:42:44 +0200

Hi all,
maybe that would be more efficient to use an ICP registration directly?
But I think ICP need two models very close to be fast.
Is the demon's registration fast?
As the registration that I need is a non-rigid one, I plained to use 
rigid registration first for a better performance, but maybe that will 
decrease it?


Luis Ibanez wrote:

> Hi Imho,
> You can use the VTK procrustes filter,
> However, since procrustes already have the
> point associations, (as opposed to ICP), its
> computation is relatively fast. This makes
> that the overhead of converting point sets
> from ITK to VTK data structures may be
> significant.
> You may be better off implementing
> procrustes in a native ITK way.
> It depends on how much programming time
> you can dedicate to this taks and how
> much concerns do you have for performance.
> Regards,
>   Luis
> ------------------------
> imho wrote:
>> Thank you, as I use VTK and ITK together, I can try to use this class.
>> The procrustes needs as you said some landmarks (3 minimum from each 
>> model), and I think use it as first registration, to align 
>> imperfectly the two models. I'll try to find 3 non-moving points.
>> It may reduce the calculation costs for the others registration steps.
>> Luis > What do you think about this filter, if I put it in my 
>> pipeline? (I already have VTK -> ITK -> VTK, I can add a VTK task in 
>> this)
>> thanks,
>> imho
>> Rasmus Reinhold Paulsen wrote:
>>> On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, imho wrote:
>>>> As I said to you before, I would like to implement a procrustes myself 
>>> If you would like to implement Procrustes in the ITK framework I would
>>> recommend you to look at:
>>> http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkProcrustesAlignmentFilter.html
>>> for inspiration.
>>>> (the registration steps I'd like to try : procrustes -> ICP -> one 
>>>> deformable registration, maybe your demon's registration) , how 
>>>> could I use your optimizer? Is it possible?
>>> I do not understand though how you would use Procrustes in a 
>>> registration
>>> task. It requires point correspondence? You would either need
>>> manually annotated landmarks or some kind of prior registration of your
>>> shapes generating semi-landmarks.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rasmus
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