[Insight-users] cross-section of a 3D image

John Hunter jdhunter@ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 11:09:48 -0500

>>>>> "salah" == salah  <salah@gris.uni-tuebingen.de> writes:

    salah> Hi everybody, I have a 3D itk image. I need to
    salah> create/generate a cross section ( in the form of a 2D
    salah> image) of this image that passes a given point and has a
    salah> given normal direction.

    salah> does itk provide something to do that??  can anybody please
    salah> give me hints about how to perform this.

With VTK, vtkImagePlaneWidget and vtkImageReslice are specialized for
just this task.

See Examples/GUI/Tcl/ImagePlaneWidget.tcl or
Examples/GUI/Python/ImagePlaneWidget.py in the VTK src tree for a

John Hunter