[Insight-users] Re: Build examples

Steven Chen itkvtk at yahoo.com
Wed, 31 Dec 2003 10:35:09 -0800 (PST)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi, all
I follow the steps to build the examples. still feel a bit confused at the following:
(1) I use CMake to configure , source is: InsightToolKit, Binary director is : InsightToolKit-bin, and enable BUILD_EXAMPLES, then Configure and OK.
(2) Open ITK.sln in InsightToolkit-bin,and BUILD ALL, which will take a long time to do that. 
(3) Go into InsightToolKit-bin/Examples/DataRepresentation/Image, i can see there are some VC++ Project files there, but there are no .dsw or .sln file there, so i cannot load and build. so how can i build this image example? 
hope you help!

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<DIV>Hi, all</DIV>
<DIV>I follow the steps to build the examples.&nbsp;still feel a bit confused at the following:</DIV>
<DIV>(1) I use CMake to configure , source is: InsightToolKit, Binary director is : InsightToolKit-bin, and enable BUILD_EXAMPLES, then Configure and OK.</DIV>
<DIV>(2) Open ITK.sln in InsightToolkit-bin,and BUILD ALL, which will take a long time to do that. </DIV>
<DIV>(3) Go into InsightToolKit-bin/Examples/DataRepresentation/Image, i can see there are some VC++ Project files there, but there are no .dsw or .sln file there, so i cannot load and build. so how can i build this image example? </DIV>
<DIV>hope you help!</DIV>
<DIV>Steven </DIV></DIV><p><hr SIZE=1>
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