[Insight-users] Build problem : undefined versioned symbol name

Sambit Bhattacharya sbhatta@cse.Buffalo.EDU
Thu, 2 Jan 2003 17:10:57 -0500 (EST)

Hi Luis,
This is the information you asked for :
1> Platform : RedHat 7.3
2> The compiler gcc 2.96 and linker ld I am using came with
the Linux distribution. I also installed gcc 3.2 and ld 2.13 under /usr/local/bin
but I am not using them.
3> These are the examples and libraries getting built ( I tried the tests
and they work ):
BasicIOAndFilter                      itkStatisticsTests
BrainStripValidationApp               itkVTKtoITKtoVTK
DicomImageViewer                      itkWatershedSegmentationExample
DistanceMapFilter                     itkWSRawToPNG
Example_ITKFilterLibTest              KmeansIBSRClassificationApp
Example_ITKRegistrationLibTest        KmeansMSClassificationApp
ExtractImageRegion                    libExample_ITKFilterLib.so
GaussianFilter                        libExample_ITKRegistrationLib.so
GaussianFilter2D                      libITKAlgorithms.so
GaussianIBSRClassificationApp         libITKBasicFilters.so
GaussianMSClassificationApp           libITKCommon.so
GradientRecursiveGaussianFilter       libITKFEM.so
itk2DSimpleLevelSetsExample           libITKFltkImageViewer.so
itk3DSimpleLevelSetsExample           libITKIO.so
itkAlgorithmsHeaderTest               libITKMetaIO.so
itkAlgorithmsTests                    libITKNumerics.so
itkAntiAliasBinaryImageFilterExample  libitkpng.so
itkBasicFiltersHeaderTest             libITKStatistics.so
itkBasicFiltersTests                  libITKVtkFltk.so
itkCommonHeaderTest                   libitkzlib.so
itkCommonTests                        libparam.so
itkCurvatureFlowToVTK                 libVXLNumerics.so
itkFEMTests                           MIValidationApp
itkFloodFilledSpatialFunctionExample  MRFGaussianIBSRClassificationApp
itkIOHeaderTest                       MRFKmeansIBSRClassificationApp
itkIOTests                            MultiResMIRegistration
itkNumericsHeaderTest                 PNGImageReadWrite
itkNumericsTests                      RawImageReadWrite
itkPNGVTKtoITKtoVTK                   RawImageReadWritePNG
itkSampleDataGenerator                vnlTests
itkSpatialObjectHeaderTest            vtk2itk
itkSpatialObjectTests                 vtk2itkDouble

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Luis Ibanez wrote:

> Hi Sambit,
> gcc should invoke the appropriate "ld" for your installation.
> If you look closer at the Makefiles generated by CMake you can
> verify that the link command lines invoke the compiler and
> delegates the link mechanism to it.
> Some questions:
> 1) Could you describe a bit your platform ?
>     Is this Linux ? Sun ?
> 2) Have you updated the linker after the
>     installation of the compiler ?
> 3) Does other ITK demo applications build ?
>     Curve2D extractor is one of the few
>     demo applications that creates its own library.
>     I wonder if there is something particular with it.
> Things to try:
> 1) Remove all the .so libraries created in the ITK binary
>     directory and rebuild. It is possible that the offending
>     symbol is one defined in one of those other libraries.
> 2) A more desperate option is to disable SHARED libraries
>     and rebuild, but this is more a shot in the dark...
> In any case, I would suspect of a compiler configuration
> problem in your platform, since the error message is about
> the static_cast which is a pretty basic feature more related
> with plain C++ that with ITK.
> Please let us know what you find.
>    Thanks
>     Luis
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Sambit Bhattacharya wrote:
> > Hi Luis,
> > I am a little out of my depths here ...
> > Could gcc 2.96 and ld have any incompatibility ?
> > Because I followed your suggestion, made a clean rebuild ( even rebuilt
> > VTK and FLTK before Insight ) and the same thing happened .
> > BTW the VTK install goes smoothly.
> > Should I use the ld version you have mentioned below ?
> > Thanks for the help.
> > Sambit.
> >