[Insight-users] the code for Lorigo's level set method

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Fri, 07 Mar 2003 12:00:00 -0500

Hi Jian,

This particular method is not available in ITK
at this point.

Unless I'm missing something, the segmentation
method showed at SPIE was using FastMarching.

There were other vessel segmentation applications
presented at the course but they were not using

You will find all the material presented at SPIE
in the cvs repository. Under the module InsightDocuments.
in the directory: CourseWare/Training.


You may find interesting to know that a lot of activity
is going on in the ITK LevelSet arena. There are currently
five different groups developing LevelSet based segmentation
methods to be added to the toolkit before september 2003.

You will find information about this work in progress
at the ITK project manager page:


Let us know if you have further questions.




Jian Chen wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> Thank you so much for your response.
> Since I am currently working on segmentation of 3D 
> vessels from MRA images, I am going to compare our
> method with Liana M. Lorigo's method:
>  "Codimension-Two Geodesic Active Contours"
>  L. M. Lorigo, O. Faugeras, W. E. L. Grimson, 
>  R. Keriven, R. Kikinis, A. Nabavi, C.-F. Westin. 
>  CVPR'2000, Hilton Head, SC, USA
> I was told that the ITK.org showed a demo for
> Liana M. Lorigo's method during the SPIE 
> conference in Feb. 
> So, could you please confirm it for me if you 
> have the code for the method or when you will 
> add the code to the ITK library.
> Many thanks for your kind helps.
> Jian