[Insight-users] surface textures?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 09:01:51 -0500

Hi Markus,

The notion of textures in image processing is quite
different from its counterpart in computer graphics.

If you mention texture in ITK context we will probably
think of :

1) Simply an Image (of any dimension..., 2D, 3D, 4D)


2) The statistical characterization of gray levels
    in an image.

ITK has an open architecture for registraion.
This means that you can easily come up with new
registration applications by reusing basic components
and customizing others.

It is likely that you could perform registration for
your application using ITK components, but this will
demand some coding effort on your part combined with
a moderate amount of coffee.


Could you please give us more details on the goal
of your application. For example:

1) How are you representing these surface textures ?

2) Are they 2D images remapped on the geometry of the
    surface ? What kind of mapping are you using ?
    classical mesh to mesh correspondance ?

3) Do you want to do Rigid registration ?
    Are you considering changing scales ?
    shearing ?
    or full deformable registration ?

4) Are the surfaces holding the texture having the
    same geometry ?

    That is, do you have a sphere with texture to be
    register with an ellipsoid with texture ?
    or two spheres, each one with textures ?

5) Do you want just to slide the textures in their
    respective geometry  ?

    or do you want to deform their geometry altogether.

6) How do you want to manage the dimensionality
    problem ?

    That is, the textures are each one in a 2D manifold.
    There are very slim chances that both manifolds will
    be parallel anywhere in space (unless you totally
    share the underling geometry). In fact, the traversability
    theorem in singularity theory will suggest that the
    probability of the two manifolds to be parallel tends to

    So in priciple, the only region of 3D space where your
    two textures meet is a 1D curve in 3D space. Little
    information can be pull out of such an intersection.

Please let us know more details of your application.

It will be a pity if you miss the oportunity of having
fun with ITK.




Markus Louw wrote:
> Hi all
> My problem is to register surface textures of 3D objects.   Is ITK 1.2 
> useful for this?  There doesn´t seem to be functionality for textures 
> which is a pity...
> Markus