[Insight-users] problem in compiling

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 22:39:22 -0500

Hi  Oyang,

There is a name miss match in the directory where
you are building the toolkit.

According to your email, you are builgind in


but according to the CMakeCache.txt file that you
kindly sent, the original configuration with CMake
was done for a directory


There seems to be a Directory with non-printable
characters in between ITK-bin and the root of the
disk F:.  Did you created a directory using
international characters ?

CMake may be in trouble parsing non ascii basic

Are your sources in

    F:/InsightToolkit-1.2    ??

or is theere a directoy   "XX"  like



Did you moved the binary tree after configuring it
with CMake ?


You cannot move nor copy the binary tree once the
configuration is done. Many paths are stored as
absolute paths.

If you want to build now in a different binary
directory, you have to rerun CMake and provide
the new binary directory the you now want to use.

Please follow the configuration instructions in
the PDF document:  InsightStart.pdf
available in :


Let us know if you continue experiencing any




ouym99 wrote:
> Hi ,Luis,
>   Thanks. I have copied the CMakeCache.txt in /Insight-bin as follows. By the way
> , I did use CMake 1.65, but still error comes.
> Much Thanks!
> ______________________CMakeCache.txt____________________
> # This is the CMakeCache file.
> # For build in directory: f:/н¨Îļþ¼Ð/ITK-bin
> # You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake.
> # If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.
> # If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor.
> # The syntax for the file is as follows:
> # KEY is the name of a varible in the cache.
> # TYPE is a hint to GUI's for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!.
> # VALUE is the current value for the KEY.
> ########################
> # EXTERNAL cache entries
> ########################

> //Single output directory for building all executables.
> //Value Computed by CMake
> FilteringExamples_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=F://ITK-bin/Examples/Filtering
> //Value Computed by CMake
> FilteringExamples_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=F://InsightToolkit-1.2.0/Examples/Filtering
> //Value Computed by CMake
> IOExamples_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=F://ITK-bin/Examples/IO
> //Value Computed by CMake
> IOExamples_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=F://InsightToolkit-1.2.0/Examples/IO
> //Dependencies for the target
> //Dependencies for the target
> //Dependencies for the target
> //Dependencies for target
> //Dependencies for the target
> //Dependencies for the target
> //Dependencies for target
> //Dependencies for the target
> //Value Computed by CMake
> ITKPNG_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=F://ITK-bin/Utilities/png
> //Value Computed by CMake
> ITKPNG_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=F://InsightToolkit-1.2.0/Utilities/png
> //Dependencies for the target
> //Value Computed by CMake
> ITKTesting_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=F://ITK-bin/Testing
> //Value Computed by CMake
> ITKTesting_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=F://InsightToolkit-1.2.0/Testing
> //Value Computed by CMake
> ITKZLIB_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=F://ITK-bin/Utilities/zlib
> //Value Computed by CMake
> ITKZLIB_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=F://InsightToolkit-1.2.0/Utilities/zlib
> //Value Computed by CMake
> //What is the path where the file ITKData.readme can be found
> ITK_DATA_ROOT:PATH=F://InsightToolkit-1.2.0/Testing/Data
> //Value Computed by CMake
> ITK_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=F://InsightToolkit-1.2.0
> //Build Tcl wrapper support (requires CABLE/GCC-XML).
> //Value Computed by CMake
> ImageExamples_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=F://ITK-bin/Examples/DataRepresentation/Image
> //Value Computed by CMake
> ImageExamples_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=F://InsightToolkit-1.2.0/Examples/DataRepresentati