[Insight-users] Re: How about >16 bits?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 21:51:42 -0500

Hi Zhuo,

If the 24 bits are associated with RGB components,
with 8bits per component, you will have to modify
the code in the ImageReadWrite.cxx file.

You will need:

  typedef itk::RGBPixel< char > PixelType;
  typedef itk::Image< PixelType, 3 > ImageType;
  typedef itk::ImageFileReader< ImageType > ReaderType;
  typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< ImageType > WriterType;

Examples are available in


and are described in the SoftwareGuide

Section 6.2, pdf-page 160.




zhuo Chen wrote:
> You say if the image is 8 bits,execute
> ImageReadCastWrite program and if the image is 16
> bits,execute ImageReadWrite program.But if my dicom
> data is more than 16 bits such as 24 bits,what can I
> do?Can I convert dicom data to vtk data,either?
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