[Insight-users] CMake error when using FLTK

Mathieu Malaterre Mathieu . Malaterre at creatis . insa-lyon . fr
Tue, 13 May 2003 17:14:26 +0200


> "FLTK_BASE_LIBRARY              C:/Program 
> Files/Die_Heart/fltk-1.1.3/lib/fltkd.lib
> FLTK_FORMS_LIBRARY            C:/Program 
> Files/Die_Heart/fltk-1.1.3/lib/fltkformsd.lib
> FLTK_GL_LIBRARY                  C:/Program 
> Files/Die_Heart/fltk-1.1.3/lib/fltkgld.lib
> FLTK_IMAGES_LIBRARY           C:/Program 
> Files/Die_Heart/fltk-1.1.3/lib/fltkimagesd.lib
> FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR                 C:/Program Files/Die_Heart/fltk-1.1.3"
> and the VTK_DIR                     C:\Program Files\Die_Heart\VTK\BIN

Well this looks good to me.

>>> "Unknown Cmake commmand "ADD_GUI_EXECUTABLE"."

Yah right this has been only recently define. But everythings is
fine on my Linux box...
I am using CMake from CVS.

Anyway lets try the easy solutions:
- Could you check that ADD_GUI_EXECUTABLE is define in
- That you rerun cmake. In case, delete the old CmakeCache.txt.

If all else fails replace all instances of ADD_GUI_EXECUTABLE with
ADD_EXECUTABLE(${name} ${sources})

Ex: with  FastMarchingLevelSet/CMakeLists.txt

ADD_GUI_EXECUTABLE(FastMarchingLevelSet "${FastMarchingLevelSet_SRCS}")
ADD_EXECUTABLE(FastMarchingLevelSet "${FastMarchingLevelSet_SRCS}")


Mathieu Malaterre
28 Avenue du Doyen LEPINE
B.P. Lyon-Montchat
69394 Lyon Cedex 03