[Insight-users] VersorRigid3DTransform and VersorTransformOptimizer

Peter Lorenzen lorenzen at cs . unc . edu
Sat, 17 May 2003 11:25:07 -0400

Hi All,

I am trying my hand at Rigid3D registration with ITK.  Based on the 
itkSoftwareGuide and several of the examples in the Insight Examples 
directory I decided to use the transform class 
itkVersorRigid3DTransform with the optimizer class 

Unfortunately, I have not been able to set the optimizer parameters in 
a such a manner as to get a simple registration (e.g. registration 
between an image and a rotated (by 2 degrees about a principal axis) 
image) to work. The optimization appears to oscillate with cost 
function value.  The images I am using are simple cubes of uniform 

Additionally, the rotational component, in matrix form, of the final 
transform is not always a rotation matrix (this may be a result of the 
above observation but I am not sure).

Any suggestions on how to get the itkVersorTransformOptimizer working 
properly with the itkVersorRigid3DTransform (if that is, indeed, the 
correct thing to do in this case)?


- Peter

---------------------------- Code Snippet --------------------------

   // Define registration components //
   typedef itk::VersorRigid3DTransform<double> TransformType;
   typedef itk::VersorTransformOptimizer OptimizerType;
   typedef itk::MeanSquaresImageToImageMetric< ImageType, ImageType > 
   typedef itk::LinearInterpolateImageFunction< ImageType, double > 
   typedef itk::ImageRegistrationMethod< ImageType, ImageType > 

   // Create registration components //
   MetricType::Pointer metric = MetricType::New();
   TransformType::Pointer transform = TransformType::New();
   OptimizerType::Pointer optimizer = OptimizerType::New();
   InterpolatorType::Pointer interpolator = InterpolatorType::New();
   RegistrationType::Pointer registration = RegistrationType::New();

   // Connect the components to the instance of the registration //
   registration->SetMetric( metric );
   registration->SetOptimizer( optimizer );
   registration->SetTransform( transform );
   registration->SetInterpolator( interpolator );

   // Set images //
   registration->SetFixedImage( fixedImage );   // Of type ImageType
   registration->SetMovingImage( movingImage );  // Of type ImageType

   registration->SetFixedImageRegion( fixedImage->GetBufferedRegion() );

   // Translational initialization //
   typedef itk::CenteredTransformInitializer< TransformType, ImageType, 
ImageType > TransformInitializerType;
   TransformInitializerType::Pointer initializer = 
   initializer->SetTransform( transform );
   initializer->SetFixedImage( fixedImage );
   initializer->SetMovingImage( movingImage );

   // Rotational initialization //
   typedef TransformType::VersorType VersorType;
   typedef VersorType::VectorType VectorType;

   VectorType axis;
   axis[0] = 0.0;
   axis[1] = 0.0;
   axis[2] = 1.0;

   const double angle = 0;

   VersorType rotation;
   rotation.Set( axis, angle );

   transform->SetRotation( rotation );

transform->GetParameters() );

   // Fine tuning the optimizer //
   optimizer->SetMaximumStepLength( 0.1 );
   optimizer->SetMinimumStepLength( 0.001 );
   optimizer->SetNumberOfIterations( maxIter );

   // Set up a command observers and register it with the optimizer //
   CommandIterationUpdate::Pointer observer = 
   optimizer->AddObserver( itk::IterationEvent(), observer );

   // Perform the registration //
   try {
     std::cout << "Running registration..." << std::endl;
   catch ( itk::ExceptionObject& err ) {
     std::cout << err << std::endl;
     return( 1 );

-------- Sample Oscillate Output from attempting to register on image 
with a rotated  (by 2 degrees about the z-axis) version of itself ------

|               Image Estimate Affine               |
Running registration...
Current rotation = [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
factor =  -0.10262
axis.Norm =  0.938404
Gradient rotaion = [ 0.000457015, 0.000499151, -0.0481264, 0.998841 ]
New rotaion = [ 0.000457015, 0.000499151, -0.0481264, 0.998841 ]
0   208.763   [0.000457015, 0.000499151, -0.0481264]
Current rotation = [ 0.000457015, 0.000499151, -0.0481264, 0.998841 ]
factor =  -2.10831e-06
axis.Norm =  47429.9
Gradient rotaion = [ -0.0356385, -0.0348612, -0.0035152, 0.99875 ]
New rotaion = [ -0.0368202, -0.0326055, -0.0515755, 0.997457 ]
1   3157.85   [-0.0368202, -0.0326055, -0.0515755]
Current rotation = [ -0.0368202, -0.0326055, -0.0515755, 0.997457 ]
factor =  -6.17673e-06
axis.Norm =  16188.7
Gradient rotaion = [ -0.00454395, -0.0496817, 0.00294461, 0.99875 ]
New rotaion = [ -0.043965, -0.0817774, -0.0468928, 0.994576 ]
2   1655.68   [-0.043965, -0.0817774, -0.0468928]
Current rotation = [ -0.043965, -0.0817774, -0.0468928, 0.994576 ]
factor =  -2.70495e-06
axis.Norm =  36968.6
Gradient rotaion = [ -0.0367289, 0.000337154, -0.0338926, 0.99875 ]
New rotaion = [ -0.0776522, -0.0811077, -0.0835613, 0.990156 ]
3   2960.37   [-0.0776522, -0.0811077, -0.0835613]
Current rotation = [ -0.0776522, -0.0811077, -0.0835613, 0.990156 ]
factor =  -1.3797e-05
axis.Norm =  7247.86
Gradient rotaion = [ -0.00506945, -0.0484109, -0.0113382, 0.99875 ]
New rotaion = [ -0.0857004, -0.129397, -0.0913354, 0.983651 ]
4   2467.91   [-0.0857004, -0.129397, -0.0913354]
Current rotation = [ -0.0857004, -0.129397, -0.0913354, 0.983651 ]
factor =  -3.55664e-06
axis.Norm =  28115.7
Gradient rotaion = [ -0.0405131, 0.00119833, -0.0292413, 0.99875 ]
New rotaion = [ -0.121551, -0.126863, -0.12533, 0.976434 ]
5   4019.68   [-0.121551, -0.126863, -0.12533]
Current rotation = [ -0.121551, -0.126863, -0.12533, 0.976434 ]
factor =  -2.40684e-05
axis.Norm =  4154.79
Gradient rotaion = [ -0.00669484, -0.0476132, -0.013639, 0.99875 ]
New rotaion = [ -0.132173, -0.174014, -0.133552, 0.96665 ]
6   3533.24   [-0.132173, -0.174014, -0.133552]
Current rotation = [ -0.132173, -0.174014, -0.133552, 0.96665 ]
factor =  -5.30093e-06
axis.Norm =  18863.7
Gradient rotaion = [ -0.042266, 0.0122401, -0.0236948, 0.99875 ]
New rotaion = [ -0.167106, -0.159452, -0.165263, 0.958822 ]
7   4816.81   [-0.167106, -0.159452, -0.165263]
Current rotation = [ -0.167106, -0.159452, -0.165263, 0.958822 ]
factor =  -6.62802e-06
axis.Norm =  7543.66
Gradient rotaion = [ 0.0232129, -0.00631942, 0.00678872, 0.999688 ]
New rotaion = [ -0.146924, -0.168163, -0.153945, 0.962515 ]
8   4335.18   [-0.146924, -0.168163, -0.153945]
Current rotation = [ -0.146924, -0.168163, -0.153945, 0.962515 ]
factor =  -2.18005e-06
axis.Norm =  11467.3
Gradient rotaion = [ -0.0112489, -0.00290099, -0.00461309, 0.999922 ]
New rotaion = [ -0.157411, -0.169888, -0.159838, 0.959589 ]
9   4358.47   [-0.157411, -0.169888, -0.159838]
|               Image Estimate Affine...Done!       |
Matrix =
0.891179 0.360242 -0.275725
-0.253274 0.899347 0.356408
0.376366 -0.24779 0.89272

Offset =
-0.149975  0.0447058  -0.0572304