[Insight-users] optimizer

Bing Jian bjian at cise . ufl . edu
Tue, 4 Nov 2003 19:49:40 -0500 (EST)

Hi, Luis,

  I noticed that almost all of the registration examples
are using gradientdescent optimizer. I tried to replace
one by conjugategradient optimizer. To my surprise, there
is even no GetValue() in ConjugateGradient class. And the
program crashes soon after startOptimization is called
while GradientDescent works fine. I heard that CG converges
much faster than GradientDescent in some cases. Since in
ITK's software guide onle very little about optimization
techniques is mentioned, I am wondering if those other optimizer
classes in ITKNumerics are still in developing stage? Or is
it recommended to use optimizer functions in vnl/vxl directly?


Best wishes,
Bing Jian
bjian at cise . ufl . edu