[Insight-users] itk::Mesh - boundary assignments?

Thomas Boettger t . boettger at dkfz-heidelberg . de
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 14:27:35 +0200

Hello everybody!

I have some questions about the itk:Mesh class.

I want to store additional information for my meshes, i.e. an edge list, 
a face list ( = cell list?), edge neighbour list and a vertex neighbour 
list. Furthermore I'd like the face list (cell list) in counter 
clockwise order with respect to the outward unit face (vertex) normal.

In the software guide I read about the boundary assignements, so I 
understand how to set my edges for one cell. But still don't know how to 
traverse all edges or even save a neighbour list. Which meaning has the 
BoundaryIdentifier? In the guide there was an example for a tri cell:

mesh->SetBoundaryAssignment( dimension, cellId, featureId++, 7 );
mesh->SetBoundaryAssignment( dimension, cellId, featureId++, 9 );
mesh->SetBoundaryAssignment( dimension, cellId, featureId++, 10 );

Is the user free to choose those numbers? (7,9,10)

Should I use the boundary assignements method for my necessary 
attributes or would you suggest to create an extended class containing 
those new attributes?

Is there more example code for the mesh class?
