[Insight-users] Re: ITK Wrapping to Python : instantiating an Index and setting its value

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:48:24 -0400

Hi Mauricio,

You can instantiate Index<> variables in Python
by using the following expression

         myIndex = itkIndex3()

where "3" stands for the dimension.
This is equivalent to the C++ expresion

         itk::Index<3>  myIndex;

Then, for getting access to the elements of the
index you can use the methods



    myIndex.SetElement( 0, 130 )
    myIndex.SetElement( 1, 215 )
    myIndex.SetElement( 2, 167 )

for defining the index {130,215,167}.

The index elements can be read with

    myIndex.GetElement( 0 )
    myIndex.GetElement( 1 )
    myIndex.GetElement( 2 )

For the Connfidence connected filter you
can then do

    myFilter = itkConfidenceConnectedImageFilterUS3US3_New()
    myFilter.AddSeed( myIndex )



Maurício Caliggiuri Inforçati wrote:
> Hi, Luis
> I´m using ITK on Python, with VTK,  and everything seems to be perfectly.
> But, I´m trying to implement a region growing segmentation with 
> ConnectedThresholdImageFilter and so I need to set a seed.
> My problem is that this seed must be itkIndex (mustn´t it?) and I can´t 
> get a itkIndex object on python since in InsightToolkit module there is 
> not something like itkIndex_New, just like other classes, as 
> ConnectedThresholdImageFilter.
> How can I instanciate a itkIndex and set a value for it?
>  thanks for helping,
>    Mauricio Inforçati
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