[Insight-users] 2d - 3d registration
Luis Ibanez
luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue, 06 Apr 2004 17:48:52 -0400
The MeanSquares Metric is assuming that both images will
have the same dimension. You could set your slice as the
fixed image and set it as a 3D image with a single slice.
In that circumstances, the pixels of the fixed image are
visited and mapped throught the transform into the moving
image (that will be your real 3D image).
Please instantiate the metric for two images of 3D, and
read the slice into a 3D image, it will have dimensions
( N X M X 1 ).
N.E Mackenzie-Mackay wrote:
> This might seem like a simple question.
> To register a 2d slice to a 3d volume ( set of slices ) say using the
> MeanSquaresImageToImageMeric. Is it just a matter of specifying the
> dimensions of the images.
> eg. typedef itk::Image<float, 3> FixedImageType //3d slices
> typedef itk::Image<float, 2> MovingImageType //2d image
> .....
> typedef itk::MeanSquaresImageToImageMeric<FixedImageType,
> MovingImageType > MetricType
> Would this be correct or is there a different method I have completely
> overlooked?
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