[Insight-users] Region color,,

yasser salman yass71 at yahoo.com
Sat, 10 Apr 2004 05:21:56 -0700 (PDT)

hi Luis ,,  
i segmented a region (tumor) from a series of Dicom
slices using connected Theshold iler to colored
(labeled) this region
 in different color from the original volume i used a
vtkimageblend (thanks luis) to represent the both
segmented region with  Original volume at the same
 but when i used vtkImageMapToColors an error message

"  ERROR: In D:\Vtk\Imaging\vtkImageBlend.cxx, 
line 932 vtkImageBlend (0803ADA0): Execute: input1
ScalarType (5), must match output ScalarType (3)"
when i put DicomReader instead of *alpha it works well
but at the same color of the original volume.., 

vtkLookupTable *hueLut1 = vtkLookupTable::New();
    hueLut1->SetTableRange (0, 2000);
    hueLut1->SetHueRange (0, 1);
    hueLut1->SetSaturationRange (1, 1);
    hueLut1->SetValueRange (1, 1);
	vtkImageMapToColors *alpha =

vtkImageBlend *blend=vtkImageBlend::New();
blend-> SetInput(0,alpha->GetOutput());   
 // when i put DicomReader instead of "alpha" it works
well..,, but they renderef in the same color
blend-> SetInput(1,SegmentedRegion->GetOutput());

thanx luis,,

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