[Insight-users] ImageAdaptor and Regions
Nick Arini
nick.arini at zinir.com
Fri Aug 6 06:50:29 EDT 2004
Dear Insight users,
I am trying to use an image adapter to get and rescale the individual
channels of an RGB image in a similar way to
I then want to use an image iterator on the resulting images to access
the pixel values of the individual channels. I have encountered a
problem with defining a region (I want the whole image here) for input
to the iterator. This works just fine until I added the ImageAdaptor
stuff. I caught the exception and it tells me I am requesting a region
outside the largest region but as I want the whole image and it stays
the same size throughout I dont know why I am getting this exception.
The message and the code snippet are below. Can anyone enlighten me as
to what I have done wrong?
Thanks and best regards,
<begin exception message>
itk::ExceptionObject (0xbfe3f9e0)
Location: "ImageAdaptor::PropagateRequestedRegion()"
File: /home/nicha/ITK_source/Insight/Code/Common/itkDataObject.cxx
Line: 397
Description: Requested region is (at least partially) outside the
largest possible region.
<end exception message>
<begin code>
typedef float
typedef itk::RGBPixel< ChannelPixelType > RGBPixelType;
// We will need to use an adapter to make the RGB image look like a
scalar image for the rescaling
typedef itk::RedPixelAccessor< ChannelPixelType >::InternalType
typedef itk::Image< InputPixelType, 2 > ImageType;
typedef itk::ImageAdaptor< ImageType, itk::RedPixelAccessor<
ChannelPixelType > > ImageAdaptorType;
ImageAdaptorType::Pointer adaptor = ImageAdaptorType::New();
typedef itk::ImageFileReader< ImageType > ReaderType;
ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
reader->SetFileName( filename );
adaptor->SetImage( reader->GetOutput() );
typedef itk::Image< ChannelPixelType > OutputImageType; // the red
channel image type
// Do some image rescaling here
typedef itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter< ImageAdaptorType,
OutputImageType > RescalerType;
RescalerType::Pointer rescaler = RescalerType::New();
rescaler->SetInput( adaptor );
rescaler->SetOutputMinimum( 0 );
rescaler->SetOutputMaximum( 255 );
OutputImageType::Pointer image = rescaler->GetOutput();
catch( itk::ExceptionObject exp )
std::cout << exp << std::endl;
// now get the region associated with the image
OutputImageType::RegionType region = image->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
// And the image dimensions
Output ImageType::RegionType::SizeValueType width = region.GetSize(0);
OutputImageType::RegionType::SizeValueType height = region.GetSize(1);
// define and construct a simple image iterator from an itk::Image
typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< OutputImageType >
ConstIteratorType constIterator( image, region );
// Use the iterator in a loop
for( constIterator.GoToBegin(); !constIterator.IsAtEnd();
++constIterator )
float pix = constIterator.Get();
<end code>
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