[Insight-users] Building shape model to be used with GeodesicActiveCountourShapePriorLevelSetImageFilter

Lino Ramirez ramirez at ece.ualberta.ca
Sun Aug 8 16:40:54 EDT 2004

Dear ITK users,

I would like to do segmentation of vertebrae in x-ray images using the GeodesicActiveCountourShapePriorLevelSetImageFilter. I already had a look at the example available in the CVS repository. However, in the example, it didn’t explain how to make the models. For what I have read so far, I guess that the following steps would help me make such a model.

1.- Align the training images
2.- Segment each image using a level-set based method
3.- Use the output level set as the inputs for ImagePCAShapeModelEstimator

Do these steps make sense? Or is there some other approach or example I should follow?

Thank you and have a nice day


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