[Insight-users] Transform

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Fri Aug 13 14:21:20 EDT 2004

Hi Pandu,

Please read the Doxygen documentation for this class

The number of paramters is specified in the documentation
of the GetParameters() method.

The dimension of the array of scaling parameters must
match the numbe of paramters in the Transform.

You can simply call the method:


The GradientDescent optimizer is a reasonable choice here.

However notice that the choice of the optimizer depends
more on the characteristics of the ImageMetric than on the
characteristics of the Transform.



Pandu Jugnu wrote:

> Hi Luis,
> As per you recommendation I am using
> ScaleSkewVersor3DTransform. I had few questions about
> it. How many parameters does it support? 9 or 12?
> Also, while setting up the optimier using the
> following code:
> typename OptimizerType::ScalesType scales( 
>   m_Transform->GetNumberOfParameters() );
>   scales.Fill( 1.0);
>  for ( int j = 4; j < 7; j++ ) 
>     {
>     scales[j] = m_TranslationScale;
>     }
> I am a bit confused if i have to change the "for" loop
> to run from 6 to 9 or 9 to 12.
> I am using the GradientDescentOptimizer along with
> this transform. Is this is a good choice.
> Thanks Luis
> Pandu 
> --- Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>Hi Pandu,
>>In that case you may want to use the
> http://www.itk.org/Insight/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1ScaleSkewVersor3DTransform.html
>>This transform supports the combination of rigid and
>>scaling transforms.
>>    Luis
>>Pandu Jugnu wrote:
>>>Hi Luis,
>>>Thanks for your last email. It really helped clear
>>>doubts. I have one more question. 
>>>I am trying to incorporate ScaleTransform along
>>>the QuaternionRigidTransform in
>>>application so that I can take care of the scaling
>>>addition to tranlation and rotation. 
>>>I went over the Doxygen files for ScaleTransform.
>>>I am not sure how to implement it along with
>>>QuaternionRigidTransform in the application.
>>>Can you guide me as how to accomplish this?
>>>I appreciate your help Luis.
>>>--- Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>Hi Pandu,
>>>>This MultiResMIRegistration application uses a
>>>>         QuaternionRigidTransform
>>>>for performing the registration. The presence of
>>>>the AffineTransform is required for converting
>>>>the QuaternionRigidTransform into an Affine
>>>>transform and returning it for being used
>>>>An Affine transform can represent a rigid
>>>>without any lose of precision. In practice you can
>>>>use the Affine transform as a 'generic' transform
>>>>that can internally represt
>>>>    - Rotation transforms
>>>>    - Scaling transforms
>>>>    - Translation transforms
>>>>    - Rigid transforms
>>>>    - Similarity transforms
>>>>    - Shearing transforms
>>>>    - Reflection transforms
>>>>In this way, no matter which one of the above
>>>>in actually used for performing the registration,
>>>>you could
>>>>always return the results represented in an Affine
>>>>No reason to worry,
>>>>Just continue enjoying your reading of the code.
>>>>Please let us know if you have further questions.
>>>>  Thanks
>>>>    Luis
>>>>Pandu Jugnu wrote:
>>>>>Hi Luis
>>>>>I was going over the code for
>>>>>application. I read in the guide that this
>>>>>uses "QuaternionRigidTransform" but I noticed the
>>>>>presence of "Affine Transform" in the code too. 
>>>>>Can you put some light on this as of why are we
>>>>>the Affine transform in this example.
>>>>>Thanks in advance.
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